
Springtime in Hongdae

In my previous post I just showed the People of Hongdae . It was my first time to just capture random faces in particular and showing them...

In my previous post I just showed the People of Hongdae. It was my first time to just capture random faces in particular and showing them to anyone. 
Today's post is about the area of Hongdae and the very nice spring walk that I had. It was also here that I saw the first cherry blossoms of 2014. I couldn't have asked for a better day. In the morning I set out to go and have a look at how they are shooting "Avengers" on the Mapo-Bridge. After that me and my friend went to Hongdae to walk around for a bit and enjoy the weather. 

We started out at Hapjeong, which is a street full of cafes and restaurants. You will see a lot of young people sitting around in the cafes, studying or reading books. The beautiful spring weather and cherry blossoms was enough to give anyone some inspiration and get them over the winter blues. 

We walked all the way up to Hongdae, where we saw a handmade flee market. People were selling their very creative arts and crafts. There I saw this stunningly artistic guy, who designed and drew images on blank caps. I will always regret not getting a contact number or something, because it just feels like this guy will do well in the fashion industry one day. 

I hope you enjoyed my post. Please check out my pictures below and share them with your friends if you like. I appreciate the support and value any and all comments or ideas. 

Until next time.


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