
Chris&Tina Wedding experience!

Once upon a time there was a boy and girl! They met, fell in love and got married! This was their story summed-up in one beautiful day!  ...

Once upon a time there was a boy and girl! They met, fell in love and got married! This was their story summed-up in one beautiful day! 

I was lucky to get a few shots of the bride and groom while waiting for them to finish their photo-shoot!  Naturally with my camera in-hand, my friends and I had to play around a bit! 


Even though this picture isn't perfect, I love. It's as if we were paused in time and the whole world kept on moving. 

Sticking my new logo onto everything was fun!

And without planning it, I got a perfect shot for my happily in-love friends!

I do think this is my money shot to this far. Even though I haven't charged a cent yet, I felt really guilty stealing this shot from behind the photographer. I really think she will have amazing shots. Just look at the perfect day!


P.S This is my new logo!

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