Freedom Bridge
Korean war
South Korea
DMZ Part 2 - Imjingak Station (임진각) and Freedom Bridge
3:00:00 PMA train, that was registered as a World Cultural Heritage in 2004, can also be seen here. It was part of the war and is full of bullet holes. The description can be seen in the picture below.
The fences are full of colorful ribbons. People write their wishes on these ribbons and hang them on the fences. These wishes are mostly for reunification of the 2 Koreas and the ending of the long war, that's technically still ongoing because no peace treaty has been agreed upon yet.
I've recently met one of the allied POW's that was part of this war. Seeing this and remembering him and the terrible time the POW's went through made this so much more real than just another place to see. It made the history so much more real, than what I could ever have thought. I can now see why so many people still go there everyday to pay their respects, make their wishes and say their prayers.
Scroll down to view the rest of my photos of IMJINGAK and freedom bridge.

I would love to here your comments. Please tell me what you think and if you would like to see anything in particular in Korea. I'd love to find it and show more of it to you.
Have a great day!