julia child
project 365
Julia Child Inspiration
8:00:00 AMJulia Carolyn Child (née McWilliams;[1] August 15, 1912 – August 13, 2004) was an American chef, author, and television personality. - Wikipedia
The question you might be asking is why do I post something about Julia Child. I don't have anything to do with cooking or anything in that line. The reason is simply, because of the quote on top. Julia Child didn't know what to do with herself when she moved to Paris with her husband. She took up cooking classes to learn how to cook. Even though she was frowned upon by many, she ended up being one of the most famous chefs of her time.
She inspired many people to find their passion, not necessarily for cooking but in life. What she also shows is that no matter who you are, as long as you want to do it, you can do it. It's not going to be this easy and sometimes you will feel like giving up, but keep at it. Find that something that you are interested in and work at it, day by day. You will end up learning something along the way.
If you haven't seen the movie, "Julia and Julia" - do yourself the favor and look at the trailer below. It's about a woman, also name Julia, who felt lost and unsure of what she was doing, what she wanted out of life and where she was heading. After a lot of frustration from her "successful" friends, she decides to start a blog.
The blog would be a 365 Day project. (Read more about it HERE. It's where you challenge yourself to do the thing that you like everyday for 1 year. Photographers, writers and artists use this all the time to improve on their skills. ) 365 days of cooking something from Julia Child's cook book. She goes through a lot of ups and downs along the way, but in the end finds peace in her life.
If you ever feel a little stuck - CHALLENGE YOURSELF!! - Find something that you like, anything! Then challenge yourself to do it at least once a day, for 1 year. You might not get your revelation at the end, but you will be better at doing what you like. You will have improved on a skill or technique that may or may not change your life or the way you live your life.
Go ahead - Challenge yourself!!
As an added bonus, make some omelets in the morning! - Julia Child style!