A little piece of home

Today I'm sitting here in South Korea and missing a little bit of home. I wanted to share with you my families' beloved pets on the...

Today I'm sitting here in South Korea and missing a little bit of home. I wanted to share with you my families' beloved pets on the farm. By looking at them, I'm reminded of the everyday life on the farm. Going back and forth on the back of the "Bakkie" (Pick-up Truck in the USA) with the wind blowing on your face and a dog shoving you aside to get to the best spot. 

First up is the two little lap dogs. They are in charge of taking care of my mom at work and at home. They are the oldest on the farm as well. Noela (left) and Micky (right).

Next up is "Leeu"(Lion in English). Although he is our most beautiful and youngest dog, he is also the most aggressive and one has to be careful around him from time to time. Mostly you can see his softer side, but jealousy gets the better of him. 

Then there's Puma, our mixed Border Collie dog. The most quite, gentle, smartest and lively dog I've ever seen. He loves jumping up with his front paws onto your chest as if he wants to give you a hug. He is always aware of what's going on around him and almost always on the prowl. He is our ninja dog. 

Lastly but not the least, and although not a dog, is Ello our African Gray. He/She is quite a well spoken and observing bird. From time to time it allows you to scratch it's head or to pick it up, but will it most certainly always feels like a trap. Whenever it gets the chance it will take a jab at you. One has to be careful of what one says around it. Once it picks up your lingo... it quite hard for it to loose it.

I am happy to share my little piece of home with you. Please feel free to share or like my posts below by using the buttons. I appreciate your support. 

Until next time. 

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