
Gateway to space - The exhibition

Over the weekend, me and my friend Jade Roberts from writestyle.co.za  attended the GATEWAY TO SPACE - The exhibition . We were really e...

Over the weekend, me and my friend Jade Roberts from writestyle.co.za attended the GATEWAY TO SPACE - The exhibition. We were really excited to experience our first "encounter" with space.
Lucky for me, she recently watched "The Astronaut Wives Club", so along with all the info boards and videos, it was like I had my own personal guide. She told me all about some of the first astronauts and what they did, as well as all the different spaceship models and more.

We didn't want to wait in any queues, so we went early in the morning to avoid the big crowds and all the kids.

The kid inside me was really excited to see all the models, space suits, and rockets. I can just imagine how I would have felt when I was a kid. To have seen a full-size lunar rover model and to have been able to touch a moon rock. I think it might have inspired me to become an astronaut myself.

Here are some highlights for those of you who would like to get a glimpse of the exhibition.

I leave you with this amazing preview

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