Songdo– Tomorrow’s city

  Songdo is Korea’s newest city begin build near Seoul. It is also aims to be one of the world’s newest, greenest and most technological ad...


Songdo is Korea’s newest city begin build near Seoul. It is also aims to be one of the world’s newest, greenest and most technological advanced cities in the world. Of course it’s still in it’s infancy, I mean Rome wasn’t built in one day. The city is full of neat little tricks and well worth the read. Find more information here.

Songdo is a beautiful city and one can clearly see it’s still in it’s building phase. The wide streets are mostly empty and lacks the hustle and bustle of a real city. As for the architecture, Korea definitely went in the right direction. The buildings and parks are beautiful and most of it isn’t even done yet.

I went there on a public vacation day and I found a beautiful afternoon walk. Looking at all the new buildings and parks in the area. I took at break at a local “Nescafe” Coffee shop and almost completely forgot that I was in Korea. In fact the whole area felt like it was in a different country, like I had just gotten off the plain and tried to find my way around. The city didn’t feel part of Korea and definitely recommend that people who live in Korea and are in the area should make a trip to Songdo.

I can’t wait to see this city in 10 years time. I think it will be amazing to look at these photos and compare them to the city of 10 years later. 

I hope you enjoy some of my pictures. Please share on google+ and facebook.

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